For weeks and weeks I've watched my apparently more organized classmates continue to faithfully blog and post photos about the various things that have happened since April, among them spring break, the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London, family visits, a visit to Stratford-upon-Avon to see some Shakespeare, and even a trip to Paris thrown in.
Have I felt guilt about not blogging these happenings in my life?
Has this guilt induced me to blog them all?
Clearly not.
While there are many stories I could tell within all these experiences, the motivation to write about them has simply not been present. I've even had to force myself to post pictures to Facebook, and I'm still way behind on those.
And now to add to it all, we're entering our final week in Bath. Which I don't want to think about at all, but which, of course, I'm always thinking about. The problem is, there's so much left that I want to do, but thinking about going out and doing it makes me want to stay in my room forever. If I don't accept that I have to leave, can I stay? Or at least find some sort of portal that will allow me to travel between Baltimore and Bath forever and ever? No? Worth a shot.
So, on this my last full Saturday in Bath (*sobs*) I have fully recognized the need to soak up every moment. In that spirit, some friends and I went to the Prior Park Gardens not too far from the city center. We bought some picnic food and ate on the grass and Bath rewarded us with beautiful 70 degree shorts weather. It was pretty perfect.
I know for sure that this will be my last blog post from Bath. I have plenty of stories still to tell, which I will gladly do for anyone willing to hear once I am home. But until next Saturday, I'll be out and about, soaking up what I can of Bath before I have to leave it. Cheers, friends!